Welcome to Coral Class Page
Class Teacher: Miss Blake/Mrs Jordan
Learning Assistant: Mrs Gower, Miss Graham, Mrs Uddin & Mrs Smith
Homework: set & due on a Wednesday
Spelling tests are on a Friday
Library session: Friday
PE Day
Coral Class PE lesson is on a Tuesday
Our Class Councillor is: Toby
Our work
This half term we have enjoyed learning about place value to 10 in maths. We can now talk about more and less and can use a rekenrek and tens frame to help us work out our number bonds to 10. We have also begun to practice our walker and jogger bonds and we are getting quicker each week.
In English we have been doing story writing using traditional tales like the gingerbread man and Roald Dahl stories like the Enormous Crocodile to help us plan our own versions of the stories. We have also written an acrostic poem which we hope will be published in a book soon!
In science we have been learning about the different parts of our body and in art we have been drawing self-portraits. It takes a lot of concentration to make sure we get our features in the correct place.
In Geography we have been learning about our local area starting with making a map of our school then going on a trip to the post box to post a letter to ourselves. Hopefully it won’t take long to arrive!
As you can see we have learnt a lot in the last 6 weeks and we have plenty more to learn after half term.