Welcome to Year 3
We hope your child enjoys their learning in Year 3. If you have any concerns or wish to contact your child’s teacher, please feel free to use the email function (2email) on Purple Mash. Your child’s login details for Purple Mash can be obtained from the school office staff or their class teacher.
The Year 3 class teachers are as follows:
In Year 3 we build on your child’s learning from previous years and challenge them with new topics in maths and English. We cover some fantastic topics in English from The Minpins to The Lost Happy Endings to different forms of poetry.
Our topics in Year 3 are:
You can find wonderful reading lists to support learning about these topics on the following website.
Primary Book Lists by Topic (booksfortopics.com)
PE - PE will be held outside, weather and subject permitting. Your child must have suitable footwear. PE kits can be brought into school and be kept on your child’s peg. If your child wears jewellery, in particular earrings, they must be able to remove them themselves or alternatively choose not to wear any on the day they will be doing PE.
PE days are as follows for Year 3 are Monday and Tuesday
Please send your child in with a bottle of water every day, clearly labelled with their name.
Homework will be set online on Purple Mash each week by the child’s teacher and will aim to be appropriately challenging to each child’s ability. We also expect the children to learn their weekly spelling list, which will be added to the homework blogs on Purple Mash, as well as reading at home a minimum of three times per week.
Times-table practise is also very important, particularly because in Year 4 pupils are scheduled to sit a statutory multiplication test. To support this, there will be weekly practise tasks set on Purple Mash as well as regular learning in school. The times table focus in Year 3 is to be secure in x3, x4 and x8 times table, building on the times tables that were learned in Key Stage 1 – however, there will be recap work on x2, x5 and x10 times-tables.
Homework will be set weekly for and is expected to be completed in 7 days. In Year 3, homework will be set on Fridays.
To access any of these websites please use the following links:
The following websites are also helpful in supporting the children throughout the year;
Questions regarding homework or general enquiries, please use your child’s emails on Purple Mash or speak to the member of staff on the door in the morning who can pass a message onto us.