
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Religious Education

Religious Education

The aim for religious education at Janet Duke primary school is for the children to know about and understand a range of religious and non-religious worldviews by learning to see these through theological, philosophical and human/social science lenses, to express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religious and non-religious worldviews through many different approaches and to gain and deploy skills rooted in theology, philosophy and the human/social sciences engaging critically with religious and non-religious worldviews

The main 6 religions (Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism) are taught across their time here at Janet Duke as well as many non- religious worldviews such as humanism. RE is taught in every year group from EYFS to year 6. The children will learn through a variety of different methods such as videos, posters, conversations, and experiences such as visits to places of worship or visit from religious people. By the end of their time at Janet Duke children should have a good understanding of what religions and non- religions are and use this to help accept the different people they may come across throughout their lives.

Here is some work from the years 1,3,5 and 6: Children show their learning through answering questions, drawing pictures, writing explanations, drawing posters, conversations as a class and mind maps. Progress questions are answered to show greater understanding in purple pen.
