
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Zircon Class

Welcome to Zircon Class


Class Teacher:   Mrs Wiredu

LAs:                    Ms Allen, Ms Porter, Ms Camilleri & Ms Vere

HLTA:                  Mrs Innes




PE Day

Zircon Class Class PE lesson is on a Wednesday


Homework is set each week on Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday.


Children are asked to:

  • Read at home at least 3 times a week.
  • Learn weekly spellings.
  • Complete a weekly maths task on Purple Mash
  • Learn times-tables using Multiplication Monster on Purple Mash


Our topics this year are:

  • Stone Age to Iron Age
  • Space
  • Extreme Earth
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Forces




Class Timetable

Spring Term

In Maths this term, we will begin by continuing to learn about multiplication and division, having previously completed units on place value, addition and subtraction. Pupils are also practising their x2, x3, x4, x8 and x10 times tables in class, in the hope they build up their knowledge of the times-tables and eventually know them by-heart.


In English, we will begin the spring term by writing about the classic pantomime Dick Whittington

In guided reading sessions, we will read the fictional book The Hodgeheg and in science, we will study the topic Food and our bodies – which includes an exciting trip to Barleylands Farm!


In PSHE, we will continue learning from the dotcom programme and in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), we will continue learning about basic French greetings, saying hello and goodbye in French (bonjour / au revoir) and also asking how people are

Photos from some of our lessons
