All children are expected to wear the correct school uniform as it helps the child understand the importance of being part of a school. It promotes a sense of harmony and community.
A supplier, Sue's Schoolwear, visits the school every Thursday at 3 p.m. and parents are able to purchase from the shop in the Lower School car park at this time.
We consulted with all parents, pupils and staff and took the decision on the uniform and logo for the new Janet Duke Primary School based on the majority decision from all the questionnaires returned when the school amalgamated in September 2010.
The Governing Body have listed below what they expect to see every child wearing who attends Janet Duke Primary School.
The Uniform will be as follows:
White polo shirt / with or without the new school logo
Black trousers/ Skirts/ Pinafore dresses
Navy jumper/ cardigan / with or without the new school logo
Navy winter fleece / with or without the new school logo
Black/ grey/ white socks or tights
SENSIBLE black shoes (every pupil will be expected to wear black shoes. NO TRAINERS will be allowed to be worn during lesson times)
White polo shirt / with or without the new school logo
Black trousers/ knee length shorts/ skirts/ pinafore dresses
Pale blue gingham dresses
Navy jumper/ cardigan / with or without the new school logo
Black/ grey/ white socks or tights
SENSIBLE black shoes (every pupil will be expected to wear black shoes. NO TRAINERS will be allowed to be worn during lesson times)
Black shorts
Pale blue polo shirt /with or without logo
Black plimsolls or trainers
Black or navy tracksuit (optional)
Navy/ black/ white/ grey/ pale blue gingham ( no other coloured hair accessories will be allowed)
NO JEWELLERY will be allowed in school except a watch and small stud earrings for those with pierced ears. All watches and small stud earrings will be expected to be removed for PE. This is a legal requirement so please ensure that if your child is having their ears pierced over the summer, that they are done as soon as we break up so that they can be removed after 6 weeks for PE at the start of the Autumn term in September.
Please ensure that everything your child wears or brings into school is named. We are very conscious of the cost of children's uniform and want to be able to ensure lost property is returned to its owner - we can only do this if all items are named.