Welcome to Turquoise Class
Class Teacher: Miss Bourne
Learning Assistant: Mrs Sanson & Mrs Knight
Homework is set each week on a Thursday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. A homework blog will be posted on your child’s Purple Mash account, so they have an overview for the week and the weekly spellings.
Children are asked to:
Other tasks and activities may include:
PE Day
Turquoise Class PE lesson is on a Tuesday
Class Timetable
Class Councillor: Amelia
Class Ambassador: Alyssa
Our Classroom
Our work- Autumn Term:
In Maths we have been working hard to understand place value, explaining how many tens and ones a number has and applying our knowledge to reasoning problems. We have been learning how to use the column method to add and subtract too, followed by money. We’ve also enjoyed applying our addition and subtraction skills within our unit on money. We have also been practicing counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s so we are ready to learn our times tables.
The children enjoy challenges in maths.
In English, we have listened to stories from famous authors, such as Roald Dahl, and we read the story The Twits as a class. We made Squiggly Spaghetti, but no one dared to eat it! We have also written firework poems with great adjectives to describe and we have written a report about the life of Florence Nightingale, using sub-headings. Children were interested to learn facts about her and to understand why she was famous.
In Science, children have been keen to find out about living things and their habitats. We were able to go on a mini beast hunt on the school grounds, so that children could explain what they found and note it on their own map they had drawn of the school. Children have been keen to learn about famous inventors and scientists such as Charles Macintosh and Louis Pasteur.
Children have been enjoying PE sessions with Josh, learning new skills and working together as a team.
Keep up the brilliant effort and work Turquoise class, you are all doing so well!