
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 


In Year 5 we have 3 classes: Quartz, Moonstone and Garnet Classes



Quartz Class Teacher: Mrs Barber, Mrs Kerin, Miss Miller and Miss Newton

Moonstone Class Teacher: Mrs Hastings, Mrs Sees, Miss Duff

Garnet Class Teacher: Miss Wood, Mr Wilk and Miss Dale


Daily Timetable:

Registration: 8.45 to 9.05

English, Guided Reading, Maths and SPaG lessons: 9.10 to 10.45

Break: 10.45 to 11

English, Guided Reading, Maths and SPaG lessons: 11 to 12.50

Lunch: 12.50 to 1.35

Science, Foundation and PE lessons: 1.35 to 3.05



Our PE day is on Wednesday. There is no swimming this year for Y5. 

Please see the long-term plan to see what PE activities we will cover. 


PE Kits

Pupils will need to bring in a PE kit, for changing into for PE lessons and ideally these kits will stay in school all week should pupils need to change for PE clubs or club training sessions. Pupils must be able to change themselves without assistance. As part of their PE kit, pupils will need to bring a separate pair of trainers in, to change out of school shoes. For outdoor PE sessions, particularly during the Autumn and Winter months when lessons are outside, an old pair of trainers would be good, as the field will be muddy. Black trainers are part of the school uniform policy, but black or white trainers for PE are acceptable. PE kit will need to taken home at the end of the week to be washed and returned ready for the following week.



In Year 5, English is taught in a whole class setting and we encourage the children to develop their independent skills, whilst offering them the support they require to progress their learning. We use a range of strategies to help pupils improve their writing, for instance, ‘Screen to Page’ whereby we use film to enhance the children’s writing and ‘Talk for Writing’ and ‘Talk for Reading’, which includes a structured approach to learning a story or analysing a text through easy to remember story maps and plans, pupils then use these to write their own version of the texts they have learned or studied. These methods have had extremely positive results and the children, and adults are very proud of the writing that they have produced. Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) are regularly taught and practised daily as part of our drive to enable pupils to become expert writers and readers.




We teach Maths in a whole class setting. Children are encouraged to develop their independence whilst challenging their mathematical ability. Maths lessons cover a range of different topics, which can be seen on the long term plan, and develop written and mental methods for all four operations throughout the year using the ‘White Rose’ scheme of work. A big focus for Year 5 pupils is to help them develop rapid recall of strategies and basic skills (e.g. times tables, money, telling the time) so that they can use these skills for the future.



The topics we are covering in Year 5 can be seen on the long-term plan.



The homework expectations are as follows and pupils will need to access online resources to complete their homework as well as reading frequently. Purple Mash and myON are interactive, child friendly programs that can be accessed via the internet on any device, pupils will use their log on details given by their teachers to access the online sites.

Homework will be set weekly, and class teachers will upload information regarding homework to their class blog on Purple Mash. For pupils unable to access online resources, please contact your child’s class teacher so that alternative arrangements can be made. 

Children who enjoy reading and are able readers achieve better at school on average, and have a larger vocabulary which in turn supports them with their writing.

Homework expectations for Years 1- 6 are:


Weekly reading- children are expected to read 3 x per week at home. This can be from a home book, a school book or from online texts.

Weekly spellings/ task- these will be posted on the homework blog on Purple Mash and pupils will be tested weekly, either on RWI Spelling words or words from the statutory words list for Y5/6.

Weekly Maths task- Set as a 2do on Purple Mash, linked with what children have been learning about in class.

Weekly times tables- Set as a ‘Monster Multiplication’ 2do on Purple Mash.
