
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Quartz Class

Welcome to Quartz Class

Class Teacher:           Mrs Hastings

Learning Assistant:   Mrs Tape, Ms Humphreys & Mrs Maddy




Homework Days   

Homework is set on a Monday and handed in the following Monday.


PE Day

Quartz Class PE lesson is on a Tuesday            


Class Councillor: 


Class Ambassadors


In Maths, we will focus our learning on number, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. We will use our times table knowledge and remember the value of numbers through revision from previous years. We will apply our skills to be able to complete multiplication questions involving multiplying larger number by 2-digit numbers and use long multiplication for this. We will use the inverse of multiplication to help us when we are learning the skills for long division. Fractions can be a bit tricky, but our knowledge of the four operations will help us for this too.



In English, we will study ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl, looking at the language and vocabulary used by Roald Dahl in his writing and use our reading skills to identify useful words and phrases. We will use our summarising skills to make notes from the text. We will apply these skills within our writing and will produce a retelling of a section of the text which will show our skills in writing from a main character’s point of view and using speech to show character. We will apply our journalistic skills, from previous years to create newspaper reports about an unforgettable incident where Matilda uses her powers to teach Miss Trunchbull a valuable lesson! We will be consolidating our knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar through fast paced activities that will improve our writing stamina and editing skills and we will complete units of work from the RWI Spelling scheme.



Science will be really interesting for us. We will study the life cycles of plants and living things, including the dissection of flowers. Drawing diagrams and using scientific language will help us explain how plants reproduce and help us understand the life cycles of living things.  


Foundation Subjects

In Geography, we will learn about South America, looking at the geography of the country and investigating the people, plants and animals that inhabit the area. We will find out how deforestation has affected the lives of these living things. Art will focus on sculpting vases, using a wide range of designs and purposes from around the world. Hinduism is our focus for RE, thinking about the key question of how Hindus make sense of the world. For French, we will consolidate learning from previous years and develop skills needed to be able to talk about ourselves and introduce ourselves to others, saying who we are and talking about things we like and dislike. We will use Purple Mash Coding in Computing and we will be able, eventually, to use computer codes to program animations. Self-esteem and Zones of Regulation have been our continued focus in PHSE and we have been working on ways and strategies to manage our emotions to live a positive life and strategies to use when things do not go according to how we want them to. Finally, Music where we are focussing on melody and harmony through listening and appraising different styles of music using the online platform Charanga.



