
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Emerald Class

Welcome to Emerald Class


Class Teacher:           Mrs Coppin

Learning Assistant:   Miss Stockwell, Mrs Lowe, Miss Houghton & Miss Douglas




Homework is set each week on a Wednesday and is expected to be completed by the following Wednesday.


Children are asked to:

Read at home three times per week-children will receive a stamp on their bookmark!

Learn weekly spellings which will be available in the back of your child’s reading record. Spelling tests are on a Thursday.

Complete weekly Maths tasks on your Purple Mash account

PE Day

Emerald Class PE lesson is on a Wednesday










Our work


In Year 1 we are teaching and learning about so many exciting topics!


Autumn- All About Us and Celebrations

Spring- Safari and Just Eat!

Summer- Let’s Explore and Scientists and Inventors.


Please speak to the class teacher if you would like any more information about these topics.

Our Class Councillor 

Our Class Ambassador 
