Starting School
You can apply for Reception school place at an Essex primary school between 4th November 2024 and 15th January 2025
School Visits:
We are happy to show you around our school, please call us to arrange a school visit on 01268 543744
Transition Days:
Parents and children are invited to a series of transition sessions. This usually involves: a visit to your child’s classroom where you can interact with your child inside the classroom and in the garden; a ‘market stall’ for parents to find out lots of information about our school whilst your child plays in the classroom and an English and Maths talk for parents whilst your child plays in the classroom.
Arrangements are communicated with new parents when places are allocated.
How to prepare your child for school:
Please see the attached documents which gives you some helpful tips on getting your child school ready.
The early years foundation stage (EYFS) framework sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5. When your child joins us, we will regularly communicate the expectations for children in EYFS and your child’s progress and next steps with you.