
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Design & Technology

The aim of Design Technology teaching at Janet Duke Primary School is to stimulate and develop children’s creativity and imagination through making products that solve real and relevant problems across a variety of different contexts.  


Children are taught how to effectively develop products. The initial teaching stages focuses on a researching phase so that children can begin to understand what the product is used for and how it may have developed over time. From this understanding, they can then design and make their own prototype and then product. During the entire process children will be encouraged to evaluate their products so it can be adapted throughout the making stage. This is crucial as it allows children to become independent problem solvers. 


In our school, it is important to provide the children with a purpose for their Design Technology lessons learning and so we hold an ‘Enterprise’ venture. Children across the entire school are required to work as a class to research, design, budget, present and make a product. From here these products will then be sold in an open day to parents to raise money for the school which they can then decide on what it is spent on. This gives children an insight into how businesses run, and the restraints faced thus developing the skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving. 




Foundation Stage  

Design Technology is taught as a part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, the design technology part of the children’s work is linked to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).    

Design Technology makes a significant contribution to the ELG objectives of developing a child’s knowledge and understanding of expressive art and design. Children also explore food and nutrition and across the year which allows them to explore how food is prepared and cooked whilst also exploring different culture. 


Year 1 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

Mechanisms – children will design and make Christmas cards which contain levers and sliders. 

The Great Fire of London – children will make bread and then plan and prepare a sandwich. 

Wheels and Axles – children will design and make a car. 



Year 2 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

Mechanisms – children will design and make Christmas cards which contain levers and sliders. 

China – children make Chinese rice paper wraps. 

Puppets – children design and add features onto hand puppets by sewing. 



Year 3 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

Toys – children will design and make a pneumatic toy. 

Sewing – children will design and make ‘plush toys’. 

Cooking – children will design and make a dessert.


Year 4 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

The Ancient Greeks - children design and create Greek masks. 

Romans – children design and create Roman catapult. 

Seasonal Foods – children plan, design and prepare a pizza. 


Year 5 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

Moving Toys- children will design and make moving toys. 

Material World – children will design and sew bags. 

Cooking – children will explore seasonal foods found within the United Kingdom and cook a range of meals.



Year 6 children are taught Design Technology under the following topics:  

The Victorians – children will learn about the history of the cross stitch.

World War II – children design and make Anderson shelters.

Cooking – children will plan and create a celebratory picnic.


At the beginning of every topic, a unit plan is produced that details the objectives for each unit, practical work that will be completed, key vocabulary, models, diagrams, and key questioning. These are working documents and are adapted as per the needs of the children. We feel that child led learning is extremely important and therefore try to follow the children’s direction wherever possible whilst still achieving our objectives. Teachers plan individual lessons using a range of different schemes of resources to ensure that lessons are as engaging and exciting as possible for our children.  




All classes will have a class Design Technology book displayed within the classroom. Photographic and written work is collated within these books so that the process of researching, planning, making, and evaluating the product can be recorded and shared. After a project is completed, the children’s products will be displayed inside and outside of the classrooms before they can then take them home. 





Enterprise Photo Gallery
