Would your child like to try playing: Guitar, Ukele, keyboard,Drums and singing?
The music club is great for children who want to play in a ‘Bubble band’ with the following instruments: Guitar, Keyboard and Drums.
No need to buy an instrument straight away as the instruments can be provided during the lessons. The children form bands and lessons take place in small groups..
The lessons are 20 minutes long at a cost of £4.50 per week (paid half termly). Learning in a band like this has many benefits, especially building confidence and is also a lot of fun. Why not give it a try?
Covid 19
Equipment will be sanitized between lessons.
Well ventilated teaching space.
Instructor will social distance as much as possible.
Students will remain in their bubbles.
If students miss lessons due to sickness they will not
be made up, if I miss a lesson I will make it up.
Day: Friday Afternoons Time: During School
Please email with Childs name, Class, Year group and School, many thanks.
James Coulson-
Email: essexguitarteacher@hotmail.co.uk