
Janet DukePrimary School

'Together We Learn, Together We Achieve, As One'

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Jade Class

Welcome to Jade Class 



Teacher: Mr Lynn

Learning Assistant:  Miss Houghton, Ms Douglas, Mrs Tower and Ms Tuckey

HLTA:   Mrs Rose

Midday: Mrs Smith


Homework will be set and checked weekly. If you do not have your logins, please ask so we can get these to you.

If you do not have your logins, please ask so we can get these to you.


Class Councillor to be announced 

Class Ambassadors to be announced

Jade Class Timetable

Jade Classroom

Our work- Spring Term:


Our topics this half term will be ‘Jungle Animals/Dinosaurs ’and ‘Heroes’.

In Literacy we will be reading a selection of books related to our topics and using actions to help us to retell stories.  We will begin learning our sounds using Read Write Inc and aim to recognise all the single and ‘special friend’ sounds and begin to blend using these sounds in our reading books.  We will be continuing to practise writing our names independently, either in our handwriting books or on whiteboards with our name cards. We will also be using the sounds we have learnt to begin to write simple phrases and sentences based upon books we have read our events from our lives.

The children will be reading books specifically selected to support their phonological awareness and these will be sent home for parents to support developing reading skills. Resources that we use will include Ditty Sheets, Ditty Books and books that include sentences. It is vitally important that children read at least 3 times a week so that they can develop their reading skills.

In Maths we will be using ‘Number blocks’ to help us learn and work on verbally counting beyond 20. We will practise subitising numbers to 5 and 10. This means we can look at and recognise a set of objects without having to count them.  We will also be learning about Sharing and Grouping, Manipulating Shapes, Making Connections between Numbers and Using Addition and Subtraction with number from 0 to 20.

In the second half term the children will have sessions with the teacher they will have in Year 1. These will give the children an opportunity to meet their new teacher, see their new classroom and participate in activities that will help them transition to Year 1.

This term we will also discuss a range of other special times of the year including St George’s Day, Sports Day, Transition to Year 1 and Celebration Evening. We will also have visits from several professions from the community to talk to the children about what they do and how the children can aspire to work in that profession.
