Tuck Shop
When the tuck shop was developed at Janet Duke Primary we gave the children the autonomy to make the decisions on how they wanted it to be run. The reason behind the initial decision to set up a tuck shop was to cater for those children who do not have tuck during their morning break.
The children run this business during their 15 minute break time. During this time the children need to collect the Tuck Shop, serve the customers and then put the money and Tuck Shop back in the appropriate places.
The children give up a lot of their own time to ensure stock is ordered, money is counted weekly for banking and half-termly a stock and profit sheet is maintained. The children do gain a lot of very valuable skills about how profits are made and how a business is run.
In school, we endeavour to bring money into the curriculum where real life situations are replicated for example through shop role play in the lower school and budget setting and planning in the upper school. Taking part in helping to run the tuck shop also helps children to see money being used in a real life situation.