We aim to be open and honest with children at all times. When questions are asked we will respond truthfully and at a level which the children can understand.
Sex Education, where possible, is not taught as a separate curriculum subject but important elements are taught within other subject headings.Teachers discuss with children a variety of relationships as part of their social and religious studies.These relationships could also be explored through stories, drama and music when applicable.The children develop an understanding that living things reproduce their own kind in the science curriculum. In history children gain an understanding of family relationships. e.g. when they are studying the lives of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
Safety issues will be discussed with children as part of the school’s Child Protection Policy and Health Education. The issues raised will be relevant to the children and suited to their age and level of maturity. e.g. never going with strangers.
If you have any concerns regarding the content used within these lessons, please do not hesitate in contacting the school.